We put our starting molecule" – a structure called oligo-enediyne, composed of three benzene rings linked by carbon atoms – "on a silver surface, and then induced reactions by heating it." Fischer`s ... Fischer notes that high-resolution AFM imaging was first performed by Gerhard Meyer`s group at IBM Zurich, "but here we are using it to understand the results of a fundamental chemical reaction." First-ever .... I was pretty good at AFM, but better at Confocal and SEM.
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The nonstimulated P2X4Rs had a diameter of 12.6 ± 0.2 nm (mean ± standard error of the mean [SEM]) (n = 200) and a height of 2.3 ± 0.1 nm. To observe activated P2X4Rs, we added ATP before the AFM observation.
Linked References .... After fungal extract treatment, the laser particle-size analyzer, AFM, SEM, XRD, IR, and XPS were used to characterize the structural and surface changes. .... A K-Alpha spectrometer equipped with a concentric hemispherical analyzer in the standard configuration (Thermo Scientific, USA) was used in this analysis with the method revised from [38]. After the ... The incident angle was 49.1°, and the emission angle was 0° with respect to the sample`s surface normal.
Representative results obtained by nanomoulding: SEM images with AFM images in the inset of three master test structures for nanomoulding: ZnO grown by CVD (a), grating fabricated by interference lithography (b), dimple array obtained by anodic oxidation of aluminum (c). ... Fidelity analysis comparing the local height (g-i) and angle (j-l) histograms of master and replica structures (black continuous lines represent the masters, dashed red lines the replicas).
We put our starting molecule" – a structure called oligo-enediyne, composed of three benzene rings linked by carbon atoms – "on a silver surface, and then induced reactions by heating it." Fischer`s ... Fischer notes that high-resolution AFM imaging was first performed by Gerhard Meyer`s group at IBM Zurich, "but here we are using it to understand the results of a fundamental chemical reaction." First-ever .... I was pretty good at AFM, but better at Confocal and SEM.
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